Karen Macauley
Hahn School of Nursing and Health Science
This is a continuation of an ongoing ILVI collaboration with San Diego Family Care.
San Diego Family Care clinics are federally funded community health centers offering high quality, affordable primary care to families in Linda Vista and San Diego. HSON Doctorate of Nursing Practice Student, Allison Bryden, guided by faculty advisor Dr. Karen Macauley, PhD, DNP and SDFC Medical Director Dr. Aaron Zaheer, MD, will implement routine mental health screening at adolescent primary care visits and educate providers of the importance of early detection and referral for mental health services. Mental health disorders are grossly under recognized and undertreated, with an estimated 75% of depressed adolescents receiving no treatment. Untreated mental health disorders are associated with lower educational attainment and decreased physical health.
This initiative will ensure sustainability by incorporating mental health screening tools into each adolescent visit. Additionally, this project is also in compliance with CMS’s merit-based incentive program and may lead to future increased rates of reimbursement for services.