Tezeru Teshome
College of Arts & Science
In Prof. Teshome's THEA 201 Creative Minds course USD Students and Community School students will explore and initiate culturally competent strategies that fuse mathematics (data), engineering (technology), and theatre (storytelling) to inform youth about how they can practice civic-engagement and be an agent of change. The students will be collaborating with Mid-City CAN, an organization comprised of residents of the Mid-City neighborhood who care about making a lasting impact in this community. They gather around the top issues residents care about, forming teams of volunteers. Mid-City CAN helps organize these teams to accomplish their goals. Their mission is to create a safe, productive, and healthy community through collaboration, advocacy, and organizing. The USD will potentially contribute to a number of advocacy initiatives at MCC related to different issues and bodies in the city, such as transportation (ITCH), Youth Council Campaigns, the Peace Promotion Momentum Team (PPMT), the Commission of Police Practices (CPP), the Public Safety and Livable Neighborhoods (PSLN), among others.