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Montgomery Middle School




Sandra Sgoutas-Emch and Victoria Rodriguez

College of Arts & Sciences

This initiative is a collaboration between USD students enrolled in Rodriguez's PSYC 359
Health Psychology of Women and Ethnic Minorities and Marlin's Studies Skills class at
Montgomery during the Fall 2018 semester. The collaboration focuses on building health
literacy and leadership skills while providing students with an opportunity to engage with
issues of gender, race, culture, and economic status, and how these identities impact
health. This fall semester initiative is linked to a health fair project in Spring 2019, which
has taken place annually at Montgomery since 2001 based on collaboration between
Sgoutas-Emch and Leppard, among other colleagues. This ILVI initiative will help better
prepare Montgomery students to become peer health educators in the spring during the
fair. Additionally, the initiative aims to develop a program to support middle school
health peer educators so students who are interested in going into health professions can
have some experiences to support their development.
